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How to create a blog for free : with Wordpress

Hey guys I am back with the second part of the earlier post about How to create a blog for free. And in this quick guide we will be talking about the other most famous way of doing it i.e. by using Wordpress.

You must have read the earlier post where i explained the way to start your blog using blogger. If you haven't you might like to give a look.

I hope you are making your list, So let us move on toward the topic without wasting much of our time. This is not the recommended way if you are creating a free blog you should only be using Wordpress if you are ready to pay a lot of money to the services they provide and let me say that the services they provide are amazing.

As I had promised to bring this guide for you so I am bringing it. Also I wanted to tell you that if you are thinking why should I even start a blog then here is a post for you.

Step 1:

Go to Google and type Wordpress in the search bar. You will be directed to a page on Google which will contain different links for you and page will look similar to as shown.

If you click on the link then you are going to be directed to the official website of WordPress which probably will be looking similar to this. Your task is to click on the button saying create website.

The website will direct you to a five step process. Choose everything with care and keep your interest and expertise in mind before choosing your domain name and title of the blog.

Wow my ‘aonetestblog’ scheme worked here too and I am building a blog with a domain name

Just give them the correct information about what they ask in the next steps and complete the steps without facing any problem.

In step 3 when they ask to get a custom domain name click on No Thanks and move on to the next step

Then in step 4 choose a theme for yourself. Don’t worry about the theme you can change a theme anytime.

Before posting you need to complete this last step known as verifying your e-mail. You will not be able to add a post until you completed this step. To complete this step you have to log in to your account on the Gmail and verify your account as follows.

The WordPress website must have sent you a mail which must have a link to confirm your mail as shown.


After completing these steps you are ready to post on WordPress too. So what are you waiting for start your own blog without spending even a buck.

Fine I know I have failed to put forward all the ways to create blog for free. But these are the good ways to get started. Yes get started and tell me how was your experience. I am always here to help.

OK, So you have one blog ready for you now so why don’t you share this post with your friends and let them create one for themselves too.


  1. Thank you miss Shivani. Very Informative blog about wordpress.

    1. Hey,
      You are welcome Mr. Eee Man I hope you liked the post And thank you for commenting. If you have any questions then you drop them here.

    2. Hey Eee,
      I forgot to tell you that this post is written by Mr. Ranvir Singh.
      Thank you again for commenting.


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