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9 Reasons why you Should start a blog

Starting a blog is whole lot easier these days. With Blogger and WordPress coming into the picture we don’t have to worry about the money we are going to put inside our business and also we don’t even need to be a programmer for starting a blog. I have just published two posts about how to start a blog with Blogger and other one is about how to start a blog with WordPress. After I published them I got some questions from people regarding why the heck should I even start a blog.

I laughed on the question when the first person asked me but when I got the same question from some of my colleagues, I was shocked. I asked myself really, they don’t know the benefits of having a blog. I must have to answer them through my blog post.

There are too many advantages of starting a blog but I want to share some of them with you today.

When I first started this blog I had no idea what a blog is. I found the idea of blogging as very unique in itself. I was just browsing upon the internet to find the ways about how to start a website for free as I am a programmer(somewhat) and knew some of the basics to code a website.

Suddenly I come up to know the ways to start a blog. I got fascinated as you don't needed to know too much code to start a blog(Even I have not written a single line of code for my blog up-til this date).  Blog was a whole new concept for me at that time. I went forward to search some more about blogs and guess what, I was having a blog registered under my name by the end of the day.

So I am going to begin with my list which I named as “Reasons to start a blog.” So get ready to put aside the thing in your mind about 'why Should I start a blog' and concentrate on the list I had made.

Nothing to lose

It is really true while you go forward to start a blog, trust me you have nothing to loose. You are just going to be benefited by your blog. If you are thinking that a blog will take away a lot of your time and stop you from doing things that you meant to do, then probably you wrong.

Blogging will never allow you waste your time. It will rather help you to use your time on the things that will bring out better from your inside. 

And if you are thinking that you will need a lot of money in doing it then you wrong this time too. You can give a read to my post in which I fully describe the way to start a blog for free. I had provided with the link in the introduction paragraphs. 

Searching Internet in a better way

Whenever you try to come up with a post you watch out the whole internet to find out the people who have posted the similar content over the internet. You try to make your post according to them. You even try not to commit the mistake that they have committed in their post and come out having a better experience about how you are going to write the same thing for yourself.

In this way you come up with the new and better ways to surf the internet. You will also find out the ways that benefits you. You get less time to be on the parts that are less useful for that is being online for 24 hours on social media and many other things.

Always think of making it better

If you are having a blog, you will always try to think of the ways to improve them. You always try to find the ways in which you could bring ideas that will help the user to get far more better experience and they share your blogs with their friends. This will help you become creative and think in a better way then the way in which your friends think. This will also help you to surpass your friends at work and if you are a student then you will think about the queries in a better way.

Become a better writer

Even today when I look back to the writings that I used to write in the earlier days when I had just started this blog I go to deep silence for a minute and think is this what I used to write in my earlier days. But now after spending this much time blogging I can say that I am a better writer than what I used to be. You can judge that by reading the other posts that I have written. 

Though I had improved but it is far away from being a perfect. I am trying hard to become that. You too can improve your writing if you have a blog.

How to invest your limited time

We all have a limited time. Probably none of us is fully retired or none of us have time to waste. So we have to come up with the new ideas so that you can save time for the things that are more important for you. 

If you are a blogger you come to know about how and why you should invest your time such that you and your readers get benefited in the time they spent on your blog.

Meet new people of your breed

While running a blog you always meet new people through comments and through social media where you go to publicize your posts for bigger audience in one go. You may find people who will agree with your point of views and you will meet others who will not agree to the same.

Many of these people will become your friends and will help you from time and time and tell you about the ways in which you can improve. This is also a good way in which you can reach a bigger audience as people who like or dislike your opinion are more prone to share your post with their friends and ask for their opinion too.

Make money through blogging

If a blog is having a good or an average amount of traffic then you can also earn some money from your blog. You can find out the list of most successful blogger with respect of money and you will find that many of the bloggers are earning far more money then you might had expected.

Michael Dunlop brings out the list of most earning blogs up here. You will also find out the ways in which they are earning this much amount of money. I hope the list will inspires you.

Increase Self-confidence 

If you are having a trouble with your self-confidence then blogging is must for you. Blogging will help to raise your confidence above the internet and also it will help you raise your confidence while speaking in the middle of a group of people. 

Your self-confidence is increased at many instances while blogging. Whenever you get a handsome amount of traffic or whenever you get a bunch of likes for your post then it feel good and directly or in-directly it increases your self confidence.

Inspire others with your success

While blogging you are going to meet new people who will tell you that they are inspired by you to do certain things. This will help you push yourself forward and try to bring new things that can help your readers. So that the readers will come forward and join you again and read your content. 

May be some day you too will make to the list of best bloggers of the world and trust me you can do it.


So these are points that according to me will inspire you to blog. Tell me if I was able to bring on the board and start a new blog from scratch through your comments. 

These were the reasons about why you should start blogging. Please share the post if you liked it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hey Yubaraj,

      Thanks for stopping and commenting on the post. I clicked upon your blog and found that it is pretty awesome. Don't worry about your traffic it is going to increase by the time. Have a good day ahead. I too will try to tell my readers about your blog.

  2. i did see, thanks...i guess you should go for .com may be...and onething upto september namecheap is offering .xyz domain for 1.18 with whois support... you can take a look, coz i have seen review of .tk that, they can take your domain whenever they if you are getting much traffic they can hold your domain......something like that...
    I came here chasing links, coz bing has unindexed many of my url....i was just checking my backlinks...... nyway cheers.

    1. Thank you for letting me know about the offer. I am also thinking of moving from .tk to .com.
      Maybe i will be doing it in near future but anyway thanks for commenting.
      Keep visiting and keep dropping your valuable comments...

  3. I love this post! As a blogger myself, I think there are just SO many different reasons to start a blog. I am someone who loves to read and write, and I think blogging has definitely increased the amount and my capability within both those areas. The blogging community is such a brilliant one as well - so that's another reason.

    1. Hey Olivia,

      Thank you for commenting. I do appreciate the way you think about blogging. Me too loves to read and write. Its so true that blogging incrases our writing experience and we become better everyday. Keep visiting and keep sharing with your friends.


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