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The yellow winged stranger : The Book

This month I read a book named 'The yellow winged stranger' and to my great pleasure and great excitement I found it pretty interesting. The way it started and the way it ended it left me with some shock for the about the good way in which the book was written.

So here is the review of the book( The yellow winged Stranger) for you. The name very rarely describes the real moto or the real theme of the book. The book is originally based on a murder mistery. The Yellow winged stranger name is given to the novel the hero use to like yellow winged Butterflies when he was young. 

Plot of the yellow winged stranger

In a recent murder, a man is indicted. His Modus Operandi or Method of Operation is the signature of an infamous notorious serial killer named 'The Black Smith', known for inflicting grave torturing prior to putting his victims to death. The Black Smith's killing spree spanned over a period of 20 years. Due to the varied victimology, it made it utterly impossible for the Law Enforcements, including the Federal Investigating Unit to profile him until very recently; 83 victims had his insignia. During the early years, when he started, he was referred to as 'the copy cat', copying the MO of a serial killer, ' Full Moon Butcher ' of the 80s, to the very exact detail who went dormant almost suddenly.The indicted man is shifted to a high security prison, where he unusually comes across a series of writings on the cell wall. These writings contain unusual depictions about an undiscovered life, of a supposed 'Yellow Winged Stranger', the Master of the Ordinary; an ex-prisoner trapped in the compulsion of his own making. And he has a message for the convict.

My views

The book is written by Imran Usman. I found the writer on the twitter and he offered the book to me so that I can write the review upon my site. I told him that there is no place for a book review on my site. So he asked me to read the book and then tell him about the book. And after reading the book I was not able to withhold myself from sharing my experience with my readers.

So I am here with the list of things that I found interesting about the book.

·         Hard language

The book is written in a hard language and you re-read it two or three times before you come to know what actually is going on. I personally had read it many times in the beginning before coming up with the full view about the book. As soon as you pass chapter number three then the book become more and more easy.

·         Dan can read eyes

Dan is an important character of this book. I liked the way in which Dan could read the eyes of the people around him. A good explanation was given to all the things that happened in the book. You will not find a thing that you will find irrelevant to you or anyone else. Dan explain many things to his son within no time and uses his ability to read his child at many occasions. He also uses this technique to do many things as the story gets forward.

·         Dairy Writing

The concept which is used by many of the writers in their books (Me too have used it at many occasions in writing the short stories on my blog). A character in the story leaves a diary for another character and the answers are provided using this diary. Usually whole of the story is based on the diary. This book too uses the diary writing to a great extent but in this book we are going to see another type of writing i.e. writings upon the walls. This concept is very much interesting to me.

·         The idea of making people voiceless

In the book the killer uses a very unique way to kill the people. He uses a needle to first make them speechless and then he kills them. But the use of needle excites me to give a read to the book.  When I found this exciting way that can kill the people it made me interested a lot to read the next chapter of the book and soon it was over.

·         Difference between mental ability and mental capacity

Two characters in the book argue each other exams conducted in the college then one of the character said that the thing that the people at colleges try to find in the students is mental capacity and not mental ability. They want to check that how much the student can retain and do not want to know how the student can perform if he is given the opportunity.

Dialogues that I found great in this book

·         Are we victims of the common sense.

This line does not mean much if we read it and go away but if we think about it then it is the greatest line in the whole book. Are we really victims of the common sense? We always think in one way that we know this thing because it is common sense why not to think in a way around. We can discover new things in that way.

·         I dreamt of flying like a bird. But soon I found that if I had the power to fly, then I will find that it was good to dream of but it is not good to be true.

This thought made us think again about the things we feel are important for us in our life. We must re thought and find out the real aspirations of our life and act accordingly. This line tells us that we should not aspire for the things which could not happen. 

·         Happiness is not the amount of money you earn in a lifetime. It is the count of smiles you provided in your life. And how number lives you had made worth of living.

This line does not need any explanation it is complete in itself.

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  1. I really liked this review and I am so glad that in the end you loved it enough to go and review it in the end. I think mysteries are really good book as well as long as they are written well which it seems this is one done. :)

    1. I liked the book that is what forced me write a review. It is so good to hear that you liked the review. Thank you very much keep visiting.


  2. Glad you liked this one, it sounds like an interesting read!

  3. Yes Bregje,
    The book is really very interesting. You must try reading this book. It is a must read from my behalf.

  4. This sounds like an intriguing read with a lot of life themes.

    1. Hey Toyas,
      Yes it indeed is a very good read. You will find it very amazing if you love to read the motivational text..
      BTW thanks for commenting.


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